A Day in the Life - Kieran Huntley

What is your role with Systech and where are you based?

I’m an Associate Commercial Consultant, based in the United Kingdom.

Tell us about some of the projects you have worked on?

One of the main reasons I joined Systech was to work on international projects, so it was really exciting to have the opportunity to be involved on a project in Canada straight away. The project covered the refurbishment of government buildings in central Toronto, and our advice included change control and variation entitlements.

I am now site based in the UK on a project operating under NEC4 where I am providing advice to the main contractor on the cost and time impacts of compensation events.

What is your typical day?

My role is to drive the change management process. The compensation events have been prioritised with a focus on those with a significant time and/or cost impact. I monitor the tracker to ensure we meet the contractual deadlines.

Some of the changes are relatively straight forward and can be reviewed in isolation, but for those that are more significant, we’ll arrange separate internal meetings with the site team and the supply chain to ensure all entitlements have been accurately captured and all risks are covered.

I have weekly meetings with the client to provide an update as to how we are progressing and with my director, where we can catch up and talk through any key issues.

"...if you’re ambitious and feel like you want to take your career to next level, then Systech is a great place to do this."

What are the interesting aspects of your work?

The most interesting thing about my job is the variety of work. My background is predominantly working for contractors and I wanted to further my experience. I knew by joining Systech, I’d get the opportunity to work on complex, high value projects both domestically and overseas.

So far, I’ve already been able to work on an international project and I’ve also been able to work both client side and contractor side. I’m looking forward to getting the opportunity to work on some large infrastructure projects and different forms of contract.  I’d also like to gain some claims and dispute resolution experience.

What words of advice would you offer someone who is thinking of working for Systech?

At Systech, I am able to work on a range of different projects, each with their own complexities and challenges. Each commission is different, so you’ll get exposure to a range of issues, whether it be supporting a contractor with a delay analysis or guiding the client through the adjudication process. Ultimately, no commission is the same.

My advice would be that if you’re ambitious and feel like you want to take your career to next level, then Systech is a great place to do this. If you’re from a different background, this may feel daunting, but I’ve found it’s been a great environment to work in and the variety of work and opportunities available will provide you with invaluable experience.

How is the support from the senior managers and other members of your team?

Starting a new role can be daunting especially when moving from a QS background into consultancy. However, everyone I’ve met at Systech has been friendly and approachable which helped me to settle in really quickly. I have regular contact with our directors and always feel comfortable enough to contact them if I have any queries.

What are the challenges?

I have been given a lot of responsibility which is great for my career progression although this does come with its challenges, so it is good that I have the support of senior staff within the business.

What training and support has Systech given you?

I recently attended an internal webinar on adjudication. This was presented by Richard Morris, our Head of Expert Services, and is good to know we have people with this level of knowledge and experience in the business who I can learn from.  

I would be interested in joining an internal scheme to train for an expert witness role, and benefit from support in further qualifications (MSc/CIArb/FRICS).

What is the culture like?

I would say the culture is professional, positive and approachable. The people I’ve met at Systech are all very professional, experienced, highly qualified individuals and have all been really friendly and great to work with. I feel like I can always put forward my point of view and my contribution is respected. People are generally very supportive, and I feel that by being surrounded by good people, my own skills and abilities have continued to develop since joining.

"...the culture is professional, positive, and approachable."

How has working for Systech helped you achieve your career goals?

Since joining Systech I genuinely feel my career is on an upward trajectory again and I’m excited about the future.

I’ve really enjoyed the projects I’ve been involved in and I’m looking forward to getting some experience of working overseas, which is something I’ve always wanted to do.

I’m also really keen to gain further qualifications and I’m confident the business will support me in doing this.

I am a highly ambitious individual, and I feel Systech is a great place for me to continue to grow and to keep pushing my career to the next level.

What has been your greatest achievement working for Systech?

I’ve always wanted to work on international projects, so I was delighted to be involved in a Canadian project on my first day. It was really interesting to see how things work differently across the Atlantic, and to use my UK gained skills in a different environment.